Friday, December 18, 2009

"Choice" or Murder? See For Yourself

Here's what such "reproductive choice" looks like in Virginia:
“In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it,“ said Investigator Tracy Emerson. “She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it’s still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it’s no crime in the state of Virginia.“

The Campbell County Sheriff’s Office and Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office worked unsuccessfully to get the law changed after another baby died in the county in a similar case. Emerson said they asked two delegates and one state senator to take the issue up in the General Assembly. He says the three lawmakers refused because they felt the issue was too close to the abortion issue.

Emerson said there is a double standard with the law. If someone other than the mother harms a baby still attached to the mother, that person can be charged.
And Canada is not far behind. Here, if a mother kills her newborn baby, she does get charged, but the courts usually let her off with a symbolic sentence. After all, what's the big deal? If in the eyes of the abortion activists in the courts and legislatures, a baby, seconds before birth, is still "a blob of tissue" and still "one body" with his mother, why would they mind treating a newborn exactly the same way? It's not like someone is really going to mourn that newborn baby, is it?

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