Friday, June 4, 2010

Pro-Aborts Just Can't Stand The Truth

So they're protesting against a pro-life bus ad campaign:
An image in the campaign of a baby in the womb has prompted some people to protest the use of the ad on a bus.

"It's right there on city property," Shannon Tessier told CBC News Tuesday. "It's disturbing, it's disgusting and it shouldn't be anywhere where someone under the age of, say, 15 or 16 can see it."

She said the combination of the image and the word abortion in accompanying text makes the ad unacceptable to her.

"Obviously if you've had an abortion and you see a picture of that anywhere on the back of a bus or something like that, it's not something that you want to be reminded of that you've done."
The group behind the ad campaign says the image is not of an aborted fetus.

Bob Walldigger said the image is typical of what might be in a school textbook.
Like it or not, the fetus is nothing but a human being. The very word "fetus" which the pro-aborts use to distinguish between born and unborn babies, is merely a Latin word for "offspring" or "little one". No protest will ever change the scientific fact that life begins at conception, that the unborn baby is not just something that looks like a human, that it's not just a "developing human" or a "future human" but simply - a human.

Even those who are not willing to admit that, may eventually get tired of the pro-abort "newspeak" or just accidentally slip:
So what if a woman calls a fetus a baby? So what if I follow her lead and say the word baby too? I shouldn’t refrain from using words that the woman is most comfortable with. If after her abortion she feels that her baby died and became an angel, then why can’t I agree with her on that?
You sure can. Except - if you agree that it's a baby we're talking about then you better be ready to explain why do you believe that killing the very same baby before he gets a chance to see daylight is a "choice". No matter what excuses you make up, the fact is - abortion kills babies. Replacing the word "baby" with "fetus" or even "untermensch" is not going to change that.

And, talking about disturbing facts: for some, even the fact that Canada has no laws regulating abortion (which is therefore legal through all 9 months,) is something they've never heard about:
Although my friend has been a licensed practicing nurse for a few years, he was shocked to find out that in Canada an abortion can be legally procured throughout all three trimesters, up until the moment of birth. It took a few minutes to convince him that I was deadly serious (pardon the pun). I think my friend’s ignorance of the reality that is Canada’s refusal to protect its unborn citizens is indicative of the vast majority of Canadians’ understanding on this point.
That's why the pro-aborts are so upset about pro-life advertising. They know that once the public becomes more knowledgeable - there will be no room for the myth of "choice".

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