Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Day Gift From The Vatican

Just in time for Canada Day - great news for Canada's pro-life movement. Cardinal Marc Ouellet, one of Canada's strongest and the most outspoken defenders of fetal rights and family values, has been appointed prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. The Globe compares his new position to a job of a political party whip, as he'll have considerable influence over the ordination of bishops. John Pacheco provides more detailed descriptions of Cardinal Ouellet's new job and what it means for Canada and Quebec:
As the Prefect for Congregation of Bishops, Cardinal Ouellet gets to decide what bishops get appointed where and what priests get to become bishops. This absolutely fantastic news for Canada. Cardinal Ouellet is one of the handful of bishops in this country who “get it“. He’s been in the lion’s den in Quebec City for years now so he knows first hand of the mess Canada is in – both in his own province and around the country. The great thing about this posting is that, not only is Cardinal Ouellet an outspoken pro-life bishop, he’s Canadian too. That’s a double benefit to Canada’s pro-life movement. He knows the lay of the land and that means that it’s not going to be business as usual. New bishops will be outspokenly pro-life. No more old boys’ club appointments. Thanks be to God.

He’ll have an opportunity to reshape not only the Canadian episcopacy but the episcopacy of the whole world. The Pope basically rubber stamps his recommendations. That’s a big stick indeed to wield. It’s really bad news for the liberal wing of the Church. Really bad news for the backslappers and ladder climbers in the Church. Not only is he going to be responsible for replacing 9 of the 19 bishops in Quebec in the next two years, but 90% of the bishops of Quebec will be retiring in the next 10 years, the probable term of Cardinal Ouellet’s appointment.

Next decade, Quebec’s (and Canada’s) episcopacy will have Marc Ouellet’s fingerprints all over it.
Sounds great, doesn't it? And, considering that this is the decade when the demographic factor starts kicking in (simply put - those who support abortion and contraception will leave behind no future generation) - it's extremely important to have the church led by those who don't hide behind moral relativism; who are outspoken in their defense of the right values and in condemnation of the wrong ones; who are able, willing and ready to put all their efforts into reviving the Church and the pro-life, pro-family culture.

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