Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Now, That's Courage

These folks certainly didn't worry about losing their charitable status or turning away liberal parishioners or about being too judgmental or violating the sacred principle of separating Church and state...
TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny has been likened to Adolf Hitler in a newsletter distributed to Massgoers in a Co Louth parish, following his criticism of the Vatican.

The newsletter, which was in the Church of St Columcille in Togher on Sunday, carried an article about Mr Kenny’s Dáil speech of last week under the headline: “Heil Herr Kenny”.

Referring to Mr Kenny’s criticisms of the Vatican’s handling of clerical sex abuse, the article stated: “The last European leader to make such a blistering attack on the Pope was the ruthless German dictator Adolf Hitler”.
Straight and to the point. The Irish priests (or at least some of them) sure realize what a secularist government intrusion means. But what about Canadian clergy? Any Canadian priest comparing Canada's international socialists to German national socialists back during the marriage debate? Any Ontario priest raising his arm in a mock salute and exclaiming "Hail Herr McGuinty"? Any outraged Quebec priest exclaiming "Hail Charest"?

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