Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shouldn't "Reproductive Rights" Include Right To Give Birth?

By Ken Epp, MP June 10, 2008

It has become clear in recent weeks that there is, in full swing, a determined and concerted effort to oppose and defeat Bill C-484. The tactic is to overwhelm the media, especially in Quebec, and my fellow MP‟s with so much misinformation that it has become almost impossible to have thoughtful discourse on this Bill.
In trying to bring criminal law protection to a pregnant woman and her not-yet-born child, it is impossible to speak without using certain terms that just make common sense – the same words already in the Criminal Code – words like “mother” and “child.”

Sadly, as soon as these words are mentioned, those who are staunch supporters of “reproductive rights” for women jump into the debate and insist, totally incorrectly, that this is about abortion rights. It isn‟t!
Interesting, isn't it? If we're talking about actual reproductive rights - shouldn't that include first and foremost women's right to give birth? Yet those who call themselves supporters of "reproductive rights" fiercely oppose the Unborn Victims Of Crime Act, which would make it a separate crime to harm an unborn baby while committing a crime against his pregnant mother. And, judging from their objections, the only "reproductive right" those guys actually value - is an implied "right" to avoid giving birth at all costs even if it requires killing a baby before he gets a chance to see daylight. Sounds quite Orwellian, doesn't it?

It's been confirmed by the independent legal experts that bill C-484 doesn't grant personhood to unborn babies and that it couldn't be used to restrict abortions. The pro-abort "reproductive rights" crowd knows that. But they also realize that admitting in a piece of legislation that wanted unborn babies are valuable to their mothers and defining them as objects worthy of protection will eventually turn public opinion against abortions. Obviously, radical pro-aborts can't allow that to happen. So they respond by waging a campaign of fear-mongering and misinformation against the Unborn Victims Of Crime Act.

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