Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Economic Impact Of Abortion — Trillions

Here's an interesting research:
MT. FREEDOM, NJ, October 20, 2008 ( - Researcher Dennis M. Howard, president of the pro-life group Movement for a Better America, who has been tracking the economic impact of abortion since 1995, has shown that the 50.5 million surgical abortions since 1970 have cost the U.S. $35 trillion dollars in lost Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

If the number of missing children includes those aborted by IUDs, RU-486, sterilization and abortifacients, the figure climbs to over $70 trillion.

Originally calculating losses in "downstream tax revenues as an index of the cost of abortion," which showed only government revenue loss, Howard then turned to using lost GDP (GDP per capita per year times the cumulative number of abortions since 1970) as a measure of total economic cost.

"No matter how you slice it, aggressive ‘population control’ exacts a huge price in future economic growth that can never be recovered. Indeed, it is a loss that reverberates through all future generations. Without an enormous new Baby Boom lasting another 40 or 50 years, that growth is lost forever. We don’t have a debt crisis. We have a death crisis," wrote Howard.
In Canada (with ~3 million abortions performed since 1969), the economic impact of killing unborn babies amounts to $2 to $4 Trillion. Plus the social impact outlined in the CHP research on the Demographic Winter. I think that's something every "FisCon" should take a good look at.

Everyone who suggests that we forget about social policies and embrace "electable" fiscal policies such as free market and tax cuts instead, should realize the simple fact that bad lifestyle choices have economic consequences. A society that "chooses" to kill babies for convenience will end up paying for it with a social and economic disaster. So their "socially progressive, fiscally conservative" ideas amount to nothing but a few tips on saving a buck or two on our own funeral.

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