Sunday, November 30, 2008

University Of Calgary Won't Arrest Pro-Lifers

A partial victory for Calgary pro-lifers. The University of Calgary officials chose not to follow through with its threats of arrest, suspension, expulsion, and other measures they could think of to silence pro-lifers. But the university may still pursue legal actions against pro-life students - unless they agree to turn their signs inwards.

The university doesn't want casual passers-by to notice the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) display. They regard pictures of aborted babies as "offensive". They like abortion; they like it so much that they applaud Canada's highest civilian honor being awarded to the chief abortionist. But they don't like seeing what abortion truly is.
University students display pictures of aborted babies, the product of Henry Morgentaler’s lifetime work.

They are ostracized and threatened with fines for showing what he does.

He is awarded the Order of Canada for doing what they show.

The inconsistency of a lie.

The disregard of Truth.

The elimination of Freedom.

The fall of higher education.

The indoctrination of the masses.

The collapse of Canadian honour.

All, the result of our assent to leftist ideology, denying our inalienable gifts from God: Life and freedom.

Indeed, denying God himself.

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