Thursday, February 15, 2007

C288 passed, what's next?

Let it go to the Senate. Before Kyoto targets become legally binding, C288 still has to be introduced in the Senate, accepted in the second reading, reviewed and reported by the committee and finally voted on in the third reading. This should still take at least a couple of months since the Senate also has some government bills to deal with. Meanwhile the Parliament is expected to have a budget vote sometime in the last week of March.

If the government loses the budget vote, then the Parliament will be dissolved and C288 will die on the order paper. But what if the government survives the budget vote and the Senate passes C288 later this spring? Kyoto targets become legally binding and the government will be given 60 days to prepare the "climate change plan" which will ensure these targets are met.

Well, if we have no choice, let the government do just that. Let them prepare the Kyoto plan. Let everyone see the cost of this so called "climate change initiative" with all its effects on the economy. Let's see what industries will have to be shut down and whether the number of the unemployed will be measured in millions or if we'll have "only" few hundred thousands losing their jobs. Let the numbers speak for themselves. Let the government show us all the tax revenue that will be lost and all the billions of dollars that Canada will be forced to pay the third world as penalties for not shutting down what will be left of our industries. Let the plan be released. And once released, it will be the Conservative government telling the opposition - repeal C288 or face an election.

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