Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Couldn't wait for results

That was a crazy election night. At certain point it almost looked like the ADQ would win a minority government. This didn't happen however. Still the results look quite surprising as they are. The ADQ which didn't even have the official party status has soared from 5 seats to 41, becoming the official opposition. Way to go, guys! Keep up with the good work!

The PQ has lost seats and popular vote - hopefully that does mean that the support for sovereignty is going down. The Liberals... They've lost a quarter of their support and a third of the seats. At some point even the Premier, Jean Charest was about to lose his riding. Now, that would be somewhat shocking. At least for the CBC, that reported his reelection when Charest was still some 300 votes behind the PQ candidate Claude Forgues.

Notice the question marks where the popular vote numbers should've been. Of course there's nothing wrong with the CBC preparing a template for a report on Jean Charest's reelection. But how come this template was posted on their website as an actual news release some three hours before the final results were announced? Whose goof was that?

Two hours later, when the gap between Charest and Forgues grew to about 1000 votes, the CBC reworded their article. There were still some 50 polls that hadn't reported and some 5000 votes yet to be counted but the CBC declared Forgues the winner as if the results were final.

Surprisingly, the tide started to turn. Charest ended up winning back his riding. Well, let it be a lesson for the CBC - don't count your chickens before they hatch.

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