Saturday, April 14, 2007

Global warming? I don't think so.

It's snowing in Moncton. What started as a light snow shower on April 4th, had become a severe snow storm that hit Moncton with some 50 centimeters of snow on Easter Sunday. Then just a few days later another snow storm added some 20 centimeters on top of what hasn't melted since last week. And it's still snowing; according to the Yahoo weather forecast snow showers will continue for a couple more days. Only later next week, people in Moncton could expect the temperatures to stay solidly above the zero.

Lack of snow this past Christmas was blamed on global warming. But how would the climate change zealots explain a snow storm in the middle of April? Global cooling? Extra thick layers of greenhouse gases block the sunlight, causing a new ice age? Or maybe they've just admit that weather has its own rules; that these rules are complicated enough even when it comes to outlining a weather forecast for the next week, let alone next century. And that same as a snow storm in April doesn't mean a new ice age, unusually warm December doesn't mean global warming.

1 comment:

hunter said...

You need to get with the program, it's not global warming anymore, it's climate change, therefore any weather not forecast, is a result of global warming, oops, I mean climate change. So last year when they predicted the worse hurricane season ever, and none happened, it was because guessed it, climate change. It's a handy catch all weather term. Bloody bullS**t, is what I call it.

NO model can be predicted for more than a year let alone 20, 30 or 50 years down the road. That's just garbage, and unscientific.