Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Poor brainwashed children

"Poor brainwashed children", one of the YouTube viewers commented on a clip showing Soviet children praising their government on a ceremony dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the October revolution. "It's so heartbreaking to see little kids brainwashed", says former homosexual Stephen Bennett, referring to American children in Massachusetts and New York that are indoctrinated with homosexual propaganda.

Some schools that run these perverse "pride" days demand the students to sign a pledge not to inform their parents. But thanks to the anonymous guy with the video camera, parents worldwide can see what it's like.

According to the video, Cambridge Friends School in Massachusetts has its fourth "pride day" already. Yet the teachers still seem confused. "So we are supposed to tell them it's ok even if their parents oppose it?" one of the teachers asks. Her colleague is a bit more confident, saying that it seems to her they are to tell the kids that perverse lifestyle is normal.

Then come the lessons. The kids are shown a magazine with the pictures of some dancers in it. "She is a lesbian", the teacher says, "her partner's name is Julie". "Julie", the kids repeat. The teacher then points at another dancer. "Is he gay?" one of the kids asks. The teacher answers "yes" and the kids sigh with relief. I bet if the answer was negative, the kids would be booing. In another class the teacher reads a book named "Asha's moms", stopping from time to time to make sure the kids understand the book in a way the school wants them to. No questions asked about what happened to Asha's father. But the question such as "how would you feel if you were her" repeats itself over and over.

Guilt - there's no way that would be left out. Of course, an average man is the source of all evils. The kids are encouraged to confess that if not them then someone they know is "homophobic". "Even in our school some use words like 'fag' and the teachers seem not to notice", one of the kids in the class says. That's a six or seven year old child who is taught to believe that any opposition to perverse lifestyle is wrong. Soviet children were brought up on a story of Pavlik Morozov, a boy who denounced his father to the authorities for "anti-Soviet conspiracy". Are we going to see some Paul Frostman from Massachusetts denouncing his parents for believing in family values?

The first video ends with the PE teacher comparing hiding his "lifestyle" to playing soccer with only one leg, claiming it prevented him from living his life to the fullest. What he didn't mention however is that homosexual men are responsible for nearly 70% of the new AIDS infections, so his "life to the fullest" would be some 20 years shorter than if he'd consider leaving the destructive lifestyle. Of course, nobody mentioned that homosexuality is not hard-wired and there are many organizations and ministries that help homosexuals people return to normal life. So called "pride days" tolerate no opposition. When some high school students, opposed to the propaganda days in their school, wanted to put on T-Shirts saying "Be Happy, not Gay", the principal and later the court forbade them to do so.

Homosexual propaganda in public schools is exclusive to the US. There are more than enough schools in Canada where abnormal lifestyles are presented as healthy, natural, moral and even valuable to society. Some provinces (first and foremost - BC) are considering regulations that won't allow parents to have their kids exempted from these brainwashing lectures. It's time for every parent who doesn't want his kids to be the guinea pigs of an infernal social experiment to speak up.

The videos are now available here.
Article on Life Site.

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