Thursday, May 31, 2007

Earth-worshippers go on the offensive

When the leftists want to push forward yet another dubious doctrine, they don't bother to prove that their statements are truthful. Instead they twist the words and change the subject of the debate, so instead of discussing whether or not what leftists say is right, the debate is mainly on whether or not opposing yet another utopia is wrong.

We've seen that with every single subject the leftists want us to accept as undisputable dogma: abortion, redefinition of marriage, multi-cult, nanny-state and now - the climate deviations which they believe to be nothing but a man-made global warming. Don't expect them to prove it was actually caused by human activity. Don't expect them to explain why they believe the planet is doomed if we don't act in 8 months (as some of them claim) or even 9 years and 3 months - as the infamous "flick off" site suggests. Don't ask them what kind of human (or alien) activity could've caused similar "global warming" effects on Mars or even Neptune [Src2]. They won't answer. They'll just call you names.

That's their tactics. Earth-worshippers have no scientific explanation to their theory; Al Gore with his "honorary degrees" is not a scientist. It's much easier for them to blame SUV drivers (but not all those "green" celebrities that fly around in private jets and spend tens of thousands a month to heat their mansions) than get a PhD in Astronomy and compare what happens on Earth with climate deviations on another planets of the Solar system. So when someone opposes Earth-worshippers' cult, they don't argue with him, they ridicule him. They use the word "denier" to portray every oponent as ignoramus who doesn't bother to notice the obvious - without making a distinction between the change in temperature and the theory that this change is caused by humans.

It would have worked, just as any previous leftist brainwashing campaign worked if the Kyoto utopia wasn't that costly. Too many people started realizing that committing to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Kyoto would lead to the worst economic crisis since Great Depression. Too many real scientists dare to question Earth-worshippers' theories and it seemed like being called "deniers" didn't scare people much. So earth-worshippers went on the offensive.

The trial balloon was launched by Elizabeth May few weeks ago when she said that Harper's approach to climate change would be worse than allowing Hitler to commit genocide globally. The mainstream media was ok with such comparison and even the Jewish organizations seemed to have swallowed that without much objections. Earth-worshippers considered that a carte-blanche. Those who dare to speak against their fear mongering are now - Holocaust deniers, no more, no less.
There’s a holocaust coming that’s going to make the WWII holocaust look like a bad traffic accident. The coming holocaust is forecast to result in scores of millions of dead and upwards of a billion people permanently displaced from their homelands.
Canada’s last crop of holocaust deniers was bad enough but they merely argued that history didn’t happen. Our new crop is so much worse. They deny what is already happening and about to happen on a horrific scale and work to ensure that it does. But this is Canada, a place where these people are still treated with great civility and respect. I guess that alone makes us all a bit culpable.
That's their logic. Ironically, the eco-fear monger named his blog "Rolling Back the Tide of Extremism, One Post at a Time" and calls for "restoring progressive democracy". "You really can't make this stuff up", says the author of the Step To The Right blog. I couldn't agree more. Hypocrisy and turpitude of the Kyoto stormfront has reached the levels none of us could ever think of.

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