Sunday, May 6, 2007

Leftie To English Dictionary

Need help translating Leftie Newspeak to English? Here's a great dictionary compiled by Marginalized Action Dinosaur. I choose one entry for each letter but there's certainly much more than that.
  • Aggressive outreach - the process of actively soliciting trade for social workers. Generally employed when ‘customers’ fail to show required enthusiasm for services on offer.

  • Bigoted - used to describe those who refuse to view all lifestyles, religions, cultures and deviances as equally valid.

  • Child-centred - education: “we can’t be bothered to teach them… perhaps they’ll do it themselves”.

  • Double plus good - archaic - First real mention of political correctness, read 1984.

  • Equal - not ‘opportunities’: describes the desire to have a workforce resemble the population it comes from, rather than the best person getting the job. See ‘diversity’.

  • Free Speech - only “progressives” may have opinions this is free speech, opinions contrary to progressives are usually “Hate Speech.”

  • Gender issues - grouping people by their sex rather than how they think, feel or behave as individuals. Usually involves some feminist claiming to represent all women.

  • Hate-crime - same as ‘normal’ crime as far as victims are concerned - but much more distressing for Lefties.

  • Intolerance - This can only committed against certain defined groups of people. These do not include Americans, the middle class, white males, rural people, business and obviously Christians.

  • Justice - Government: as in ‘social justice’. Means taking money earned by the general taxpaying public to give to particular groups that Lefties approve of. Replaces market economics. Does not apply to legal system.

  • Key - Government: most things are ‘key’, in particular ‘drivers’, ‘learnings’, ‘deliverables’. In education, all school ‘stages’ are ‘key’.

  • Legitimate grievances - foreign affairs: why we’re to blame for deranged Islamists murdering people in the developed world.

  • Middle-Ages Warm Period - something lefties want to make go away. A time in the past that was warmer than today, caused by Vikings driving SUV’s, the Goracle thinks it was in the year 1400.

  • NGO - Non Governmental Organization – the repository of all moral authority in Lefty World and whose words and motives may never be questioned. Don’t even think about it!

  • Over Represented - if your ethnic group commits 10 times as many crimes as societies average then they should have the same incarceration rates as others. Otherwise it’s blatant racism. ie White should do 10 times the time for the exact same crime. This makes sense to MSM’s.

  • Palestinians - archetype ‘victims’ no matter how many teenagers they murder in bars and fast food outlets. Never responsible for anything they do – or done in their name - because of ‘root causes’ or ‘legitimate grievances’.

  • Al Qaeda - Muslim ‘militants’ who for some reason or other continue to kill far more Muslims than people of any other faith. Heroes of the left.

  • Racist - means “shut up!” - and is much, much worse than being genocidaly violent, thoughtless or unkind. In fact, easily the worst crime ever conceived of. Only white males are capable of this crime. ie Robert Mugabe throwing whites off farms isn’t racist not having a hiring quota is.

  • Spouse / Partner progressive terms for Wife or Husband which are offensive to homosexuals so McGuinty banned them. That banning the words husband and wife offended hetronormative people is not important enough to be considered.

  • Tolerance - The act of accepting that everyone else is right and you are always wrong.

  • United Nations - the NGO of NGOs. All foreign policy has to be ‘in partnership with the committee of dictators at the UN and our European Allies’, unless bombing Serbia - which requires neither.

  • Victim - see ‘Terrorist’, ‘Palestinians’, ‘gender issues’, ‘race issues’ and ‘social exclusion’, usually caused by you not giving enough of your money or existing.

  • Workers - notional ‘class’ of people that Lefties once claimed to represent. Now replaced by college lecturers, human rights lawyers, pressure group employees, Abortionists, Civil Servants with ‘liaise’ in their job title - and other people you would probably not want over for supper.

  • Zionist Entity - the state of Israel but some can’t be permitted to say that.
  • 1 comment:

    genslub3 said...

    Best to know how the thought police use the language.

    Tnx for the link.
