Friday, May 4, 2007

Toronto police handcuffs 11 year-old girl

The same Toronto police that can't rid the city of the armed street gangs was quick to handcuff 11 year old girl for lashing out at a school teacher.
The girl says she was dragged to the office and that's when she fought back, punching, kicking and screaming at her teacher.
Thanks God the girl didn't have anything sharp on her, like a hairpin. Otherwise our brave policemen would have to seek reinforcement from the military.

Now, beside the bitter sarcasm, there are few things of which I'd like to find out more. First - what was so wrong with the girl wearing her jacket in the class? As far as I know, elementary school students in Ontario are not required to wear uniform. So why did the teacher insist that the girl takes off her jacket?

Next - how come a teacher (presumably - a professional who must have taken at least an introductory class in child psychology) couldn't convince an 11 year-old to take off her jacket and had to drag her kicking and screaming to the principal's office? What kind of a teacher is that? And what kind of a principal would watch a teacher doing this to a girl but won't intervene? (Or intervenes in a manner that only makes the things worse.)

Finally - how come our police force handcuffs a schoolgirl as if she was a dangerous offender? Even if the police nowadays must stay on high alert because of ever increasing violence among teens, how come they can't distinguish between a crying 11 year-old and an armed hoodlum?

There's plenty of commotion going on over some hockey player saying something bad about French Canadians. I'm not sure what he said and I don't really care since freedom of speech hasn't been abolished yet. But I wonder if all those justice seekers that were quick to demand reprisals against that hockey player would even bother to notice what was done to the poor 11 year-old? I'd like to see this happen. None of those responsible for this outrage should ever again be allowed to hold any position of authority.

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