Thursday, June 14, 2007

I don't get it!

I've been in Canada for 11 years now but there are still things I just don't get.

I don't get it - if multiculturalism means equality of cultures, how come the European Christian culture, the one Canada was built upon, is treated as less equal?

I don't get it - if people come to Canada as refugees, claiming to be oppressed by the Sharia law in their home countries, why would they demand Sharia law arbitration here in Canada?

I don't get it - if official bilingualism was introduced about 40 years ago, how come we don't even have every single high school graduate fluently bilingual? Instead of spending money on bilingual signs and hiring bilingual civil servants, couldn't we just start teaching our children both languages at early age?

I don't get it - if a single income family has the same income as another family where both spouses work, why do they pay nearly 50% more in taxes?

I don't get it - how come a member of a street gang, convicted of numerous violent crimes gets leaner sentence than a hunter who simply forgot to renew the registration papers for his rifle? (Or - than a harmless old lady with a pro-life sign who stood "too close" to an abortion mill, for that matter?)

I don't get it - was Canada founded as a nation in 1867 or in 1968? Who gave the left-wing politicians, celebrities and judges the authority to redefine Canadian values as they please?

I don't get it - what happened to our courts? How come that instead of pursuing truth and justice the judges simply award more power and more taxpayers' money to special interest groups?

I don't get it - if I'm not allowed to take a safety-razor, a shaving cream and a toothpaste with me on a plane, why should we allow someone with a dagger (even if he claims it's a part of his traditional outfit) to be exempted from these rules?

I don't get it - how come someone with no documents, let alone language skills and education, is admitted to Canada as refugee claimant and automatically receives the right to apply for work permit, study permit and social assistance; but a law-abiding skilled professional must go through some five years of paperwork before he's even allowed to set foot on Canadian soil?

I don't get it - why fighting poverty in some third world country (which has been impoverished by its own rulers for decades) is considered more important than helping the unemployed guy next door to get back on his feet?

I don't get it - how come a bill that defines marriage as union of a man and a woman is discriminatory, but a law that mandates preferential treatment of job applicants from specific ethnic or cultural groups is not? (And neither is the law that limits the status of one of Canada's official languages on a certain part of Canadian territory!)

I don't get it - if I work overtime but end up with little or no money, then maybe I should just stop working, and then I'll get plenty? After all it seems to have worked quite well for some.

And, finally - am I the only one who doesn't get it? Do you get any of that? And if you too don't get it - why are you silent?


hunter said...

Great points, great post! I do get it, the problem is that we have been under the rule of Liberals for so long that people don't get it anymore. This is slowly changing with posts like yours, keep asking.

Never Give Up said...

I don't get it either but you said it much more eloquently! :-)