Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hate or Just Common Sense?

The author of a blog named "towards a just society" believes that denouncing a lifestyle choice makes one a hate monger. He blasts Suzanne for posting a rather sarcastic comment on public nudity on her blog and then daring to defend her freedom of speech by saying that preaching the truth about the sinfulness and negative outcomes of homosexual behaviour is not "hate". "If that’s not hate, I’m not sure what it is", the "TAJS" blogger says. Then he adds:
Suzanne doesn’t get the idea that going around saying that something is evil, vile, wrong and sinful, results in people being robbed, beaten, pistol whipped, tied to a fence in a remote rural area and then being left to die. It also results in poor, gay kids thinking that they are not good enough to live in this world.
Could you imagine? Just because we keep telling them that homosexuality is morally wrong, socially destructive and a serious health hazard!.. But before we start shedding crocodile tears, let us remember that there's another group whose lifestyle choice is being denounced.

Those are smokers. Bashing smoking became so common in our society that we hardly notice it anymore. We got used to seeing people outside on a could January day smoking cigarettes under a heavy snowfall - because smoking is banned in so many places that it's easier to say where smoking is (still) permitted. We don't mind the excise taxes on cigarettes being more than they worth with GST/PST/HST on top of that. We accept it as norm that someone may refuse to rent an apartment to a smoker. We never object the health warnings which appear on every pack of cigarette, where a text message like "smoking causes lung cancer" comes with a picture of one's lungs, damaged by smoking... But according to the author of "towards a just society", that's nothing but hate and discrimination. Moreover, this "hate and discrimination" is instituted by the same "socially progressive" politicians that angrily condemn anyone who dares to tell the truth about sodomy.

Why is that? Do they actually hate smokers, as one could conclude if he accepts the TAJS blogger's definition of "hate"? Or do they simply understand that smoking is a lifestyle choice that should be discouraged? The latter sounds more reasonable. Negative consequences of smoking are well known, so even the smokers themselves agree that they've made a bad lifestyle choice. That's why we have no smokers' pride parades. That's why we don't have smokers' activists demanding smokers' clubs and "smoker-friendly" curriculum in public schools. That's why no activist would ever consider it appropriate to approach a child and exhale tobacco smoke right in his face.

But who said that sodomy is better than smoking? So far all the researches show otherwise. Smoking could shorten one's life by up to 7 years. Homosexual lifestyle choice reduces lifespan by as much as 20 years if not 25. When talking about health hazard, lung cancer from second-hand smoke looks like nothing compared to AIDS stats which show sodomy and dangerous sexual practices responsible for ~70% of the cases.

So why does the TAJS blogger believes that unlike smoking, homosexual lifestyle choice should be immune from criticism? He mentions violence and suicide but does the constant anti-smoking campaign result in smokers being beaten up or otherwise abused? Do we see many smokers committing suicide because they don't have the will-power to quit? Facts clearly show that denouncing a lifestyle choice doesn't lead to violence. Moreover, there would be no reason for Suzanne to post her comments on public nudity if it wasn't for a provocative action taken by several homosexual activists at their shameful parade in Toronto.

So far there are 7 comments for the "towards the just society" posting which accuses Suzanne of hate mongering. The last one, where TAJS blogger thanks his friends for support reads: "How does that old saying go? “Progress occurs with every funeral”?". Could there be a better example of a Liberal tolerance and acceptance?


Suzanne said...

What it boils down to is: hate is whatever they don't agree with.

genslub3 said...

Like immigration?

oops inside joke.