Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How democracy "works"

Pierre Trudeau was voted the worst Canadian in the contest run by The Beaver magazine. Some are upset with the results, but many find the results quite reasonable. Werner Patels mentions some of Trudeau's "accomplishments", like the botched Charter, the multi-cult and the National Energy Program. Suzanne reminds us of Trudeau's role in legalizing abortions. If everything mentioned above is not enough for you - think of Trudeau's fiscal irresponsibility; ballooning program spending and federal government debt increasing 8-fold, from $19B in 1968 to $157B in 1984. So what's there not to hate?

Those who are upset with the results blame... the organizers, for allowing free-for-all online voting.
Fresh on the heels of the Great CBC Facebook Wish List Fiasco, Canadian history magazine The Beaver has once again demonstrated that, when it comes to free-for-all online voting, democracy simply doesn't work.
Yeah, what a fiasco! They were counting on us to vote "progressive", but we voted our conscience. The CBC organized the Wish List contest - people wished to abolish abortion and restore the traditional definition of marriage. When The Beaver magazine asked who was the worst Canadian - not only we said it was Pierre Trudeau, but we also suggested all our friends to do the same...

So, if democracy doesn't work when it comes to free voting, then how does it work? Kady O'Malley gives us no suggestions in his article. But, judging from the way the "progressives" were doing things in the last few decades, it seems like the only way democracy works (for them) is when the decision is made by a leftie judge, praised by the left-leaning media and rubber-stamped by the Liberal government.

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