Friday, August 17, 2007

Legal Doesn't Mean Safe

Christina Dunigan from the Real Choice blog gives us 4 examples of women who died on August 16 of four different years. All of them died from complications caused by abortion. But only one of those abortions was illegal. Other three were performed legally and were presumed safe - which they weren't.
I fail to see how Cheryl, Dorothy, and Marla benefitted from having access to "safe and legal" abortion. Please, if anybody does, enlighten me.
Yes, I know that not every single abortion ends that way. So I tried to look up the abortion mortality statistics for Canada. Stats Canada tables don't list abortion as leading cause of death, so all the abortion-related deaths are probably included in the "Unintentional Injuries" or someplace similar. But Real Women Of Canada have the access to more detailed information, so I could find the numbers on their website:
In Statistics Canada’s Causes of Death publication for 1995, under those categories in which medical coders have admitted to tabulating abortion-related deaths, there are 1,026 deaths of women between the ages of 10 to 50.
Thus nearly 1% of the 106,458 surgical abortions performed in Canada in 1995 resulted in mother's death.

We often say that abortion leaves one dead and one wounded, referring to the emotional suffering which it brings. Yet sometimes that means - mortally wounded.

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