Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dieppe (Moncton Area) Life Chain

There were about 40 people present - not bad for a small city like Moncton.

The public was quite supportive. We stood near Champlain mall. There were plenty of people driving to, from and by the mall and we got quite a few honks and thumbs up. With little or no hostile gestures. Last year there were a few teens yelling "pro-choice" out of the car window and making fun of a woman who was praying the rosary. None of that happened this time.

Similar rallies were held today in many other cities across Canada. Thousands of people lined up at their hometowns' busiest streets, raising their voices in support of the babies that are denied the right to life. How many hearts did we touch? Time will tell. But I'm thankful to those who took their time and came to our life chain to raise their voices in defense of the most vulnerable members of our society - the unborn babies.


Spinks said...

Leonard, great pictures and a great post. With more than a 1000 babies aborted in New Brunswick alone each year, the need to keep the issue in the public eye and keep them thinking is crucial.

NB taxpayer said...

Nice pics, Leonard. Really gives one a feel of the civility and passion of the demonstrators. It's a big difference, and much more effective, than the "shock pics". (i.e. late-term abortion pics/billboards)