Monday, November 26, 2007

Respect Woman's Decision To Give Birth

Poor-choicers claim there's no need for the Unborn Victims Of Crime bill. They view attacks on pregnant women as an issue of domestic violence, therefore they believe that assault charges (with "aggravating circumstances taken into account") would adequately address the situation.

If so - I got a question for them. If, let's say, someone hits a woman in the stomach with a steel-clad boot, causing her to miscarry the baby - do they truly consider whatever maximum sentence there is for kicking a woman in the stomach to be a sufficient punishment? Because that's exactly what they propose. Domestic violence laws only prosecute the attacker for an aggravated assault, causing bodily harm. Suffering and death of another victim - the baby - is not accounted for.

How long of a jail term could one get for kicking someone in the stomach with whatever aggravated circumstances there are? And even if the maximum sentence is handed down by the courts - it will most likely be reduced by the parole board. Because they too, are going to see nothing but a kick in the stomach. Sure, a kick in the stomach with plenty of aggravating circumstances to be taken into account, but as per the existing laws - nobody actually died from it.

Except for the baby, whose suffering and death the law ignores.
Secondly, the injury to the woman is separate from the loss of the child. Suffering bruises, broken bones or amputation is a far different thing than suffering the loss of a being whom you and your family looked forward to raising.
So the attacker must be held responsible for both. Charging the criminal for harming a woman, but ignoring the loss of her baby caused by the very same person - is a legal abomination that must end.
Contrary to Ms. Arthur’s claim, that Canadians who want to see some legal protections for fetuses “have a hidden agenda”, they have a very open one: They believe we need such law, including some governing abortion.

Moreover, in one sense, they are more pro-choice than the pro-choice abortion advocates. Respecting a woman’s decision to give birth to her baby and the wrong that is done when that decision is thwarted by the criminal act of another person, is to recognize and respect the full range of the choice that should be available to her. In contrast, the pro-choice advocates wish to protect abortion as the only legitimate choice, or at least the only one that should be recognized by the law.
Well said. In order to safeguard their unchoice, pro-abortion crowd is ready to sacrifice other women's choice to keep and raise their babies. Motherhood is the choice the law currently ignores, instead of respecting and protecting it.

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