Friday, November 2, 2007

Video: A Public Defense of Christian Expression

Great video published by the ECP Centre.

As usual nowadays, secularist reasoning tramples common sense. They insist that religious beliefs should be kept private, yet they encourage public display of individuals' sexual abnormalities. Disrupting a Christian prayer circle is viewed as a legitimate form of protest, but refusing assistance in promoting perverse lifestyle - is a "discrimination"; and if you dare to publish a newspaper ad, listing (not even quoting) the bible verses condemning perverse behavior - oh, that's a "hate crime"...
The message on this Video is shocking, it is a dramatic presentation of the disturbing degree of bigotry and harassment that is targeted against Christians today in Canada.

We explain that, although Canadians do not yet face the same severity of persecution as Christians do in some other countries, the mentality that under girds Canadian anti-Christian bigotry is the same. Left unchallenged it will foment.

Unless Christians put a stop to it by recognizing what is taking place, and get involved while they still have the freedom to do so - with the help of the ECP Centre - the present anti-Christian bigotry will only fertilize the ground for even greater persecution in the future.

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