Sunday, June 29, 2008

Order Of Canada - For Genocide Of Canadians?!

Radical pro-aborts have apparently succeeded in their effort to get Morguentaler nominated for the Order of Canada - not without backdoor deals and protocol violations.

Morguentaler's nomination was rejected by the Advisory Council back in February. On February 20th the office of the Governor General confirmed in its press release that Morguentaler was not included on the list for 2008. Still the pro-aborts kept trying to sneak their idol through the back door and apparently they've got their wish. It's alleged that Madam Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin overruled the traditional protocol which required unanimous approval and forced the Chancellery to accept a majority decision instead.
TORONTO, June 28 /CNW/ - It has come to the attention of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) that the Governor General intends to bestow the Order of Canada on abortionist Henry Morgentaler on July 1st.

"It is dreadful that this honour should even be considered for a man who's only claim to fame is that he is a professional killer of defenseless babies in their mothers' wombs," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition. "Those who have received this prestigious medal should return it because it will have been devalued and disgraced," he continued.

"If Morgentaler had any integrity he would refuse the medal", said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. "This presentation should be given to people who have made Canada a better place to live and the elimination of thousands of human beings who would have contributed to the future of Canada is a disgrace not an honour."

Campaign Life Coalition calls on the Federal Government to address the Governor General stating the inappropriateness of this action. Concerned people should contact the Governor General's office and express their disgust.
If that is true; if the Governor General of Canada is willing to award the Order of Canada to a man whose action have resulted in deaths of nearly 3 million Canadian babies - it will not only devalue Canada's highest civilian honour. It will expose the immorality of Canada's governing elite to the world, leaving a shameful mark on Canada's history for generations to come.

How could any statesman (or any person acting as such) consider granting an award that is given to those select few that worked hard to make their country better to a man who has unleashed a terrible genocide upon his adoptive country? How could a highest civilian honour be granted to a man known to have personally killed tens of thousands of babies before they had a chance to see daylight? If there is an award Morguentaler truly deserves for his "outstanding contribution" - it's the nazi iron cross.
Canada's pro-life groups are not taking any chances and are urging an immediate strong public response to hopefully circumvent this apparent high jacking of the Order of Canada process by the pro-abortion Chief Justice, Governor General and other members of the Advisory Committee for their own agenda.

Please contact the Office of the Governor General to express your outrage.

Note: The Prime Minister does not control who is nominated for the Order of Canada but can exercise a degree of moral persuasion upon the committee and could publicly denounce the decision.


Unknown said...

when the Supreme Court struck down abortion laws we thought 'well, maybe we can reform the Court system in Canada'. If this goes through, we will have to reform the Monarchy, especially if the Government says it can do nothing about it.

Unknown said...

hmmm. When the Supreme Court struck down our abortion laws we thought 'we can reform the Court system'. But if the GG's office can do this, and the government can do nothing about it, then the only option is to eliminate the monarchy and get back to reforming what we can.

Mrs. Ashe said...

you don't have to post this, Leonard, but I've just completed a FAX campaign to most of the folks named here:

Then I've just made that into a blog, but being new to blogging, I don't know how to alert folks to that open letter I published here: