Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Show Trial In BC

The writings of Canada's most talented journalist, Mark Steyn, went on trial in Vancouver on Monday, in a case designed to challenge freedom of the press. It is a show trial, under the arbitrary powers given to Canada's obscene "human rights" commissions, by Section 13 of our Human Rights Act.

I wrote "obscene" advisedly. A respondent who comes before Canada's "human rights" tribunals has none of the defences formerly guaranteed in common law. The truth is no defence, reasonable intention is no defence, nor material harmlessness, there are no rules of evidence, no precedents, nor case law of any kind. The commissars running the tribunals need have no legal training, exhibit none, and owe their appointments to networking among leftwing activists.

I wrote "show trial" advisedly, for there has been a 100 per cent conviction rate in cases brought to "human rights" tribunals under Section 13.
The trial itself is being live-blogged by Ezra Levant and Andrew Coyne. A lot has been already said by dozens of bloggers about the trial itself as well as about the extra-judicial tribunals used to suppress our rights and freedoms. Including this:
The Left may think they have found the ideal method to silence anyone who challenges their insane, "politically correct" ideas, but have instead created a monster that can as easily eat them next.
Shall I mention what happened to Russian Anarchists and "Left-wing" Socialist-Revolutionaries, that chose to form a coalition with the Bolsheviks and supported their moves to establish a dictatorship under which all other parties were outlawed as "bourgeois" and "counter-revolutionary"? Shall I mention what was the fate of the Bolshevik leaders themselves just 15-20 years thereafter?..

"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it." That was said by Abraham Lincoln. History shows that Honest Abe was right.

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