Sunday, July 27, 2008

Academic Freedom? What Academic Freedom?

Great article by Rory Leishman on academic freedom or lack of thereof. The question is whether our colleges and universities, those that lack academic freedom, could still be considered academic institutions, rather than indoctrination centers in which some of the students could still acquire technical or medical skills.
Today, academic freedom is under attack as never before. On all too many campuses, freedom of expression is trumped by the contemporary canons of political correctness.

Consider, for example, the suppression of debate on abortion and the sanctity of human life. Earlier this year, the Canadian Federation of Students, an organization that purports to represent more than half a million students at more than 80 universities and colleges across Canada, expressed support for students' unions that "refuse to allow anti-choice organizations access to their resources and space."
Of course, it's evident that pro-choice zealots have reason to fear that they cannot win in an open and uninhibited public debate on abortion. Now that ultrasound images of babies in the womb are readily available, the more people contemplate the sanctity of nascent human life, the more they are apt to grasp the self-evident truth that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; including the right to life.


Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no doubt, the objective facts are iron clad, that leftists, Marxists, radical feminists, radical homosexual activists, radical pro-illegal alien, even racist Latino supremacists, have an inalienable right to indoctrinate their students and bully any students (let alone untenured or even tenured faculty) who stand in their way.
These people have no morality other than the rule of power, that might makes right. They don't have families. They don't have churches. They don't belong to civic associations that divert them from their one cause in life: to advance the interests of their self interest group or utopian vision. Is it any wonder that they rise to the top in all manner of institutions? Who can stand up to the grief (and legal expense) they can heap on their opponents? Tenured conservative faculty and administrators are damned weenies and weaklings 99% of the time.
Keep your faith and sense of humor! We won't have much less after this is all over.

Marginalized Action Dinosaur said...

universities can't tolerate diversity of thought.

And how many students in the CFS were actually allowed to vote?