Monday, August 4, 2008

Orwellian "Spies" Are Now Called "Climate Cops"

After having failed to convince the adults that so called "global warming" exists, eco-crooks are recruiting children, asking them to report "energy crimes" committed by their parents.
A new website campaign designed by a British power company recruits children through games, badges and cartoons to enlist as "Climate Cops," actively keeping records on their parents and neighbors for violations of "energy crimes" against the planet.

The "Climate Cops" website encourages children to investigate family and friends and "then build your 'Climate Crime Case File' and report back to your family to make sure they don't commit those crimes again (or else)!" The site also warns children that they "may need to keep a watchful eye" to prevent future violations.

A link on the site for teachers to download free materials for building lesson plans indicates the website is targeting children from ages 7-11.

The so-called crimes children are to watch for are listed on a poster (visible at right) and range from leaving the tap running and failing to use energy-saving light bulbs to running the dryer on a sunny day and putting hot food in the refrigerator.
So, the trendy political movement is stepping into Orwellian territory. The next thing we should expect is some sort of "carbon police" that would be rounding up "energy criminals" and "re-educating" them by all means necessary...

Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory? Maybe. But it is possible to notice some Orwellian connotation in this whole "global warming" / "climate change" hysteria. It seems to have the same purpose as Orwellian "permanent war" - to make people work harder without letting them benefit from the fruits of their labor. In Orwell's Oceania, people were forced to settle for lower rations to help the war effort. The eco-crooks want us to settle for much lower standards of living for the sake of their environmental utopia. If we give in - then "eco/though police" and Room 101 will follow in no time.

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