Sunday, August 24, 2008

Unrestricted Abortion - A Cornerstone Of The Liberal Platform?

Interesting thought by Chuckercanuck:
Abortion is fundamental to the Liberal promise of a fairer, greener and richer Canada. It is isn't so much a hidden agenda as the hidden enabler of the hidden agenda.

Stephane Dion wants to increase the number of abortions in Canada. By increasing the number of abortions in Canada, Stephane Dion will achieve the following:

More abortions means fewer Canadians by 2050 thus making radical cuts to GHG emissions possible.

More abortions means fewer daycare spaces required in the government-run baby factories.

More abortions might mean slightly higher health care costs in the narrow field of abortion, but huge savings in health care costs should the children have been born. Abortion is, as Liberals might muse, the best preventative health care that Canada's tax dollars can buy.

On big issues like childcare, health care and saving the planet, abortion is the silver bullet. So its no surprise that Stephane Dion wants to talk it up wherever he goes.
Chuckercanuck makes a good point. Stephane Dion's Liberals are typical politicians for whom next election matters more than next generation. So if on the short run it's cheaper to bring in an immigrant than to raise a child (plus it gives them a faithful voter) - they wouldn't care about some 100,000 aborted babies a year. After all, Liberal paradise on Earth (that green, multi-cultural, pleasure-filled heaven without God, which they keep promising us,) must come at someone's expense, doesn't it?

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