Tuesday, October 21, 2008

40 Days For Life At Halfway Point — 268 Lives Saved

From LifeSite News:
WASHINGTON, DC, October 17, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - This week, the 40 Days for Life fall campaign reached its halfway point. "By our best estimates, tens of thousands of pro-life people in more than 175 communities in 47 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa and two Canadian provinces are participating," said Shawn Carney, national outreach director of 40 Days for Life. "Local campaign coordinators report that thus far, at least 268 mothers have left abortion facilities without having abortions."
"In point of fact," said Carney, "the sight of people gathered in prayer outside of Planned Parenthood facilities and other abortion centers has given women a sense of hope at a point in their lives when they feel most vulnerable and desperate. Prayer 'intimidates' no one - and thus far, it has saved 268 lives, and saved 268 mothers - plus fathers and countless other family members and friends - from the lifetime of guilt and regret that can follow the so-called choice of abortion.
And there must have been some more lives saved of which we simply don't know. Those who pray at the gates of a general hospital (just like the vigil keepers in Halifax,) simply can't see if a woman who comes there for an abortion changes her mind and lets her baby live. So the number 268 obviously doesn't include the babies saved in Halifax or in other cities where abortions are performed next to a maternity ward and where vigil keepers have to walk by faith, not by sight.

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