Monday, November 10, 2008

Abortion Is Unnecessary

There are other life-preserving options, even in life-and-health-of-the-mother situations, suggests Dr. Donald Oliver, MD.
I want to tell you from a medical perspective that it is very, very rare that a physician would need to choose between the life of the mother and the life of the child. There is almost always something that can be done for both. This has always been traditional obstetric practice.

We now can do amazing things with fetal medicine. Diagnoses are being made earlier and earlier. Treatment interventions are being devised and implemented. Surgery is now being done on unborn babies while they are still in the womb, amazing. Why are all these incredible things being done? Because all life is precious and God given. All children deserve the life that God has planned for him in His infinite wisdom.
The overwhelming number of abortions done in South Dakota and across our nation are done for expediency or convenience. They are done on perfectly healthy babies and perfectly healthy mothers. They are not done for rape, not done for incest, not done for fetal anomalies, and not done to save the life of the mother. They are done because a pregnant woman feels hopeless or helpless. We as a society and especially a Christian community need to seek out these women and be instruments of God’s grace and compassion.
About 1000 abortions are performed in New Brunswick each year. Some 400 of them are deemed "medically necessary". How could we explain that? Could it be that New Brunswickers have much poorer health than South Dakotans? Or is it simply because the provincial definition of "medically necessary" has been set in such way that anyone willing to play along could get a hospital abortion at the province's expense?

What do you think?

1 comment:

Bernie "Gypsy Bear" Hood said...

Kodo's to you blogger.

Over 40 Million Children have been put to death in the USA in the last couple of years before they take their first breath. Either ripped to pieces or with a partial birth abortion which SUCKS the BRAINS out of the babies head!!!!

It's not the medical system thats at fault, they are just after the all mighty dollar, the fault lies in the fact that we are taught that we are nothing more than Animals from a young age. Thanks to EVILoution. EVILoution teaches we are nothing more than animals. So it's alright to kill our offspring because they are just little blobs... I got news for them, God Made us and we are FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE!

I use to hate the term "Fetus" for the longest time because I felt that it de-humanized a human baby. I never knew what it meant and so many Pro-deathers used it.

When I was pregnant, I never refered to my daughter as a "Fetus" she was always, "My baby"...

A few weeks back I went to an Answers in Genesis conference where abortion was a topic. I learned that in the original Latin, Fetus means "Offspring" "baby"! How do you like that Pro-Death libs? Use your words wisely!

Human life begins as soon as conception takes place.

A womans "right to choose" she made it when she opened her legs. That's how we get babies SEX!!!! Surprise?!?

What alot of young woman who have abortions fail to realize, this unborn baby can and does feel pain. From as early as 5-7wks after conception.

And anothering they fail to tell you is the emotional things they will suffer after having an abortion. You just killed your baby! How the heck are you going to feel??? And if the doctor was careful, you might be able to have a child later on in life, but you'll always have that shadow over you of "WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN".

There is absolutely no reason for an abortion and that includes rape. I'm sorry but 2 wrongs don't make a right. That child had no choice in his conception, but he does have a right to exsist. Give that child the right to exsist, You can fall in love with a child, you don't have to love it's father!

How do you know that child that is being carried isn't going to be the next priminister or preacher or the best dang janitor born. Everyone has a right to be born. (sadly that includes the evil ones too)

The morning after pill is an ABORTION pill. Do not be fooled. As soon as conception takes place there is life!

Organizations like Planned Parenthood do not show these young girls their babies durning ultrasounds. If these girls were to see the child in there bellies, they would be more likely to carry it. There is nothing more amazing then feeling your little one roll over or push on your belly (even when you have to pee)...

Read Ps 139:16: In a nutshell God knew about you even while you were in your mothers womb, before your days began, He knew you!

If you don't want your child GIVE THEM UP FOR ADOPTION! Someone out there can't have kids and would love to raise yours! I know alot of couples who would love to raise your child!