Monday, November 3, 2008

If You Had Any Illusions About "Human Rights" Committees

If you used to have even a faint belief that those establishments might still have something to do with protecting human rights - forget it! Their purpose is to empower special interest groups, while abrogating basic rights and constitutional freedoms of everyone else.
In a nutshell, Quintin Johnson was browsing for CDs at Music World in Red Deer -- the same city Rev. Boissoin was from, actually. Johnson came across a band called "Deicide", whose album contained a song called "Kill the Christian".
Pretty hard to find any nuances there. Johnson also bought a CD by a band called Type O Negative, with the song "Kill All the White People". As you might expect, the lyrics were pretty much a repetition of the title:

Kill all the white people/Then we'll be free.


Johnson took Music World before the Alberta HRC, and lo and behold he drew Comrade Andreachuk as the head of the troika who heard his case. This was the same Comrade Andreachuk who fined Rev. Boissoin $7,000 and put a lifetime gag order on him, for publishing the Christian position on gay rights. Needless to say, Rev. Boissoin didn't call for anyone to kill anyone, or say "I will love watching you die".

As a white Christian, Johnson argued that he was discriminated against.

So what did Comrade Andreachuk say?
Of course Comrade Andreachuk was unwilling to find above-mentioned hate songs discriminatory, suggesting that Christian community isn't "vulnerable", thus by definition, a Christian cannot be the victim of hate speech. So don't expect hefty fines, let alone - a gag order on those "musicians", banning them from saying anything bad about Christians or white people.

If there is any silver lining in this story - is that it dispels any illusions about those Orwellian tribunals. All we need to do is to make more people aware of what hides behind the fancy name which has "human rights" in it. The more people realize that those quasi-judiciary tribunals are there to take away their rights, treating them as less equals, the sooner we'll have those freedom-snatching committees abolished.

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