Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's Send Those Red Envelopes To Stephen Harper

An empty red envelope with a pro-life message on it - that's a new grassroots pro-life initiative that is gaining momentum in the US. The Red Envelope Project has been spreading for some time by e-mail, and now a website has been set up to further promote the project. The goal is to send a message to US president Barack Obama that there is moral outrage in the country over his administration's promotion of abortion.
The email that has been circulating reads in part: "I have been involved in the pro-life movement for nearly 20 years, and it pained my heart to see a man (Obama) and a political party committed to the shedding of innocent blood. This man, and this party lead our country, but they do not represent me or the 54% of Americans who believe that abortion is wrong and should no longer be legal.

"As I was praying, I believe that God gave me an interesting idea. Out in the garage I have a box of red envelopes. Like the powerful image of the red LIFE tape, an empty red envelope will send a message to Barack Obama that there is moral outrage in this country over this issue. It will be quiet, but clear." was informed of the initiative today, which involves sending an empty red envelope to President Obama with the words, "This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception," written on the back.
Isn't that a great idea, folks? Hopefully, the mailbox at the White House gets flooded with millions of those red envelopes over the weeks to come. And - why shouldn't we try the same Red Envelope campaign here in Canada? After all - don't we have a prime minister who promised never to allow a vote on abortion? Don't we have a justice minister who keeps blocking one pro-life initiative after another? So let's start a Canadian Red Envelope campaign. Let's send those same envelopes to Stephen Harper.

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job! I am the guy who wrote the email you quote on your blog. I grew on the border of New York and Canada, and my grandparents emigrated from St. Catherines , ON. I hope that it takes off north of the border.