Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Should A Government Body Intervene In A Religious Dispute?

Wally Keeler from Cobourg, ON asks this question in his letter to the editor:
I am an atheist. What is my stake in this internecine quarrel between one group of Catholics with an agenda represented by Jim Corcoran and Father Allan Hood and another group of Catholics with an agenda represented by the 12 parishioners?

The majority of Ontarians are not Catholic. Why should taxpayers foot the bill for a costly and lengthy investigation and adjudication by the Ontario Human Rights Commission of a ceremonial rite conducted within a non-taxpaying private international organization that proselytizes The Only One?

And, by the way, whatever happened to the separation of church and state?

Human Rights Commissions, whether federal or provincial, have become something quite the opposite of what their name implies. If you believe that a Human Rights Commission is about human rights, then you are likely to believe that the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s novel, 1984, is about truth.

Will those calling for the bureaucrazy of the Human Rights Commission to have more power, next be calling for major revisions and amendments to the Torah, Bible, Koran and similar odious books to conform to the political correctmess zeitgeist?
Here's another look at the case - from a different prospective. And the conclusion is similar - when a government body like the OHRC assumes the authority to rule on Catholic liturgy (something which is clearly beyond the scope of its mandate) - it abuses its powers and wastes taxpayers' money.


Biggar said...

Cos' that's what we do in a civilized society, we adjudicate rights rather than let people take it out on each other personally. You want that go to Chechnya.

Leonard said...

First - being a member of a church is not a right. Ditto when it comes to volunteering at the church.

Next - it's the complainer who tries to take it on the parishioners personally. He demands hefty sums of money and public shaming for those who dared to condemn his lifestyle.

And finally - the OHRC mandate doesn't authorize it to be a secular judge in a church dispute. There are other ways to resolve disputes over liturgy within the Catholic church than getting a government body involved.

P.S. If you believe that a government body has a right to intervene in a dispute over church liturgy - maybe you're the one that should go - to Communist China.