Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beware Of Earth Worshipping, Population Control And Nihilism

Another overview of the environmentalist religion that is worth a separate blog post,
by the President of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi:
"Nihilistic thought, with its rejection of any objective truth and values causes serious damage when applied to economics," wrote Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. He recalled as an example the "disastrous consequences" of Malthus' argument that population growth causes poverty, as well as the theory that the economy is morally autonomous, which he said has led to an "overly consumerist and materialistic" mentality.

However, he said that, when applied to environmental issues, nihilism produces "even more serious damage." In this case it leads to the attempt "to solve climate problems - where much confusion reigns - through lowering the birth rate and de-industrialization, rather than through the promotion of values that lead the individual to his original dignity."

Tedeschi criticized the Copenhagen climate conference for applying such nihilistic thinking to the environment, an approach that he says causes "more conflicts than solutions."
Too bad that Tedeschi's entire article hasn't been translated to English. This would be something worthy of reading for all those who still regard the Gaia worshipers as a bunch of concerned idealists that merely want cleaner air and chemical-free water for plants and animals...

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