Friday, December 4, 2009

Reverend Stephen Boissoin Wins Appeal Against "Human Rights" Commission

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Justice E.C. Wilson has ruled that opposing homosexual propaganda in elementary schools is not a "hate crime". Accordingly, the Order against Reverend Boissoin, that he pay $5,000 to homosexual activist Darren Lund and that he refrain from making "disparaging remarks" about homosexuals, is no longer in force.

This however is only a partial victory for free speech:
“I am pleased that the Human Rights Panel Order against Reverend Boissoin has been overturned,” stated John Carpay, lawyer and Executive Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation.

“Unfortunately, the law that was used against Reverend Boissoin to subject him to expensive and stressful legal proceedings for more than seven years, is still on the books,” added Carpay.

“In spite of today’s court ruling, Albertans need to continue to exercise extreme caution when speaking about public policy issues, lest they offend someone who then files a human rights complaint. No citizen is safe from being subjected to a taxpayer-funded prosecution for having spoken or written something that a fellow citizen finds offensive,” continued Carpay.
So Albertans haven't yet won back their freedom of speech. But it's surely a step in the right direction.

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