Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Time For A Sexual Counter-Revolution

Without that there's no way people change their attitude towards human life. Jennifer Hartline explains why:
The sanctity of human life from the moment of conception, throughout all of life up to and including a natural death, is the only foundation our society will ever be able to stand upon if we hope to flourish as a truly free people. It's quite obvious our foundation is crumbling. To repair it, we must go back to square one and correct our ideas about sex.

Unless we give sexual intercourse its due reverence, we'll never give human life its due reverence. The two can never be separated, as Pope Paul VI tried to tell the world in his prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae. If we don't regard all life as sacred -- and thus the creative act of sex -- then we will always find ways to rationalize and justify the murder of a child as a "right."

I'm not naively suggesting that prior to 1973 people were living chaste and faithful lives and that sex was held in the highest esteem by all, always expressed within the bond of marriage. I am saying that the decision to legalize the killing of our preborn children cemented a poisonous shift in our mentality, and that poison has corroded every aspect of our society, especially our treatment of sex. We replaced responsibility with "rights" and its been a downhill race toward insatiable debauchery ever since.

One criticism I hear often from people is that I and other Pro-Life folks ignore the real cause of abortions: unexpected/unwanted pregnancies. What needs to be addressed, they say, is the “tragedy of unexpected and unwanted pregnancies.” Do you see what I mean? Pregnancy is a “tragedy” – not a miracle of life. There’s that poisonous shift in our thinking. The creation of a new human being is a tragedy if we didn’t expect it or want it. The tragedy isn’t the new life; it’s our self-centered, warped perspective.
Judeo-Christian family values are self-evident. Sure, there will be plenty of those disagreeing. But what alternative can they propose? Trading commitment for pleasure? Pumping the woman you love with chemicals to suppress her fertility - despite the well known side effects? We have our ideals. They have theirs. See for yourself, which ones you like better.

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