Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Top Ten Liberal Superstitions

Believe it or not, that's what our socially "progressive" opponents actually believe in. (H/t The Politics of the Cross Resurrected.)
10. Anthropogenic Global Warming - the idea that the earth's current warming cycle is not natural but caused by human activity since the Industrial Revolution. There is no scientific consensus despite the best efforts of activists, leftist UN employees and certain climate scientists to gin one up by a plethora of unseemly methods.

9. Condoms Lower the Rate at Which the AIDS Virus Spreads - this is the idea that despite creating a false sense of security, which is likely to lead to more sexual activity with multiple partners, condoms will reduce the number of people who get infected in a given country if enough of them are distributed. Liberals have a weakness for anything that involves replacing the need for personal moral restraint with technology.

8. Abstinence Education Doesn't Work - this idea that teaching young people the benefits of saving sex for marriage couldn't possible result in a higher average age of first intercourse or a lower incidence of sexual activity among teens. This reluctance to believe that teens cannot react in a rational manner to information demeans all of us.
And here's some more weekend humor - the Democrat Dictionary by Patrick Archbold ("Creative Minority Report"):
Taxsperity - The uniquely moronic notion that prosperity can be achieved through increases in taxation.

Biparthenasia - The art of killing the opposition party by encouraging them to join your foolhardy efforts.

Stimuslush - Urgently passing a bill under the pretense of saving us from depression only to hold on to the money for eighteen months in order to spend it as close to an election as possible.

Filibluster - The blatantly false threat of removing the 60 vote cloture requirement in the US Senate. Even if they could, they never would because they know minority status is in their (near) future.

Reconcilicide - The suicidal results of continued threats to push through massively unpopular legislation to take over one sixth of the economy through the parliamentary trick of reconciliation. If actually accomplished, results in immediate death of the party.
I bet Syme would love to add these words to his Eleventh edition of the Newspeak Dictionary :)

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