Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From Inside The Abortion Clinic

It must be a tough job - you get no shows that wouldn't even phone ahead to cancel their appointments, because they don't want any more lies and intimidation from the abortion mill workers. You get patients being dragged inside kicking and screaming and scaring away customers. And you get parents of those patients who find out they've been misled - when it's already too late...

What does it take to work in that kind of environment without falling into a deep depression? What kind of doublethink skills does it take to believe that butchering innocent babies is actually the right thing to do - even when the mother herself clearly shows that she would rather let her baby live? Judge for yourself. Here are a few quotes from the pro-abort blog, that were e-mailed to me by Peter Ryan. The blog is run by one of the escorts at the Morgentaler abortuary in Fredericton:
And then there were three kind of weird patient incidents. The first (in ascending order of strangeness) was that while a patient was in the clinic, her father left and went next door to the "Women's Care Centre". Of course the protesters got super excited and all swarmed in to greet him. He returned some time later with a handful of pamphlets and sat back in the waiting room with the patient's mother. The patient herself had already gone in to have the procedure, so as volunteer AL pointed out, that had the potential to be an awkward ride home. At least he didn't get one of the little plastic fetuses they hand out next door; I don't feel that would have gone over too well in the waiting room.
Oh year, a plastic fetus doll is such a dangerous weapon! Anyone possessing it must be arrested on the spot, before he or she succeeds in smuggling it into the waiting room of an abortion mill. Too bad the pro-life protesters didn't have a plastic unborn baby doll to give that poor fellow. Yes it was already too late to save his own grandchild. But a plastic likeness of a baby in the womb could inspire other women, waiting for their ordeal, to choose life for their babies.
And the worst incident was a young woman whose mother had dragged her here. The patient clearly did not want to have an abortion; while in to have her ultrasound she freaked out about the finger prick test, and then told the nurse, her mother and anyone who would listen that it was a blessing to be pregnant, a beautiful gift from God. Incidents like this are never as amusing as you think they are going to be, at least not at the time. While back in the waiting room, she was talking to her parents, trying to get them to leave. Another patient came up to me in tears and told me that either Gift-from-God patient had to go, or she would. Apparently GfG was blabbing on in the middle of the waiting room about how she wasn't going to "kill [her] baby" and all that. In the end, we had to ask her to either leave or stop upsetting the other patients. She left.

Outside, GfG and her parents were approached by Pink Hat, in her rosary-counting, Jesus-totin' glory. GfG's mother was already SUPER PISSED, and ended up giving Pink Hat a nice little shove (she wasn't hurt). While I don't condone the violence, I feel that the protesters have to assume that their presence is going to provoke that kind of reaction sometimes. Anyway, they are a litigious bunch over there so they must be pretty mad that there's no way for them to find out the woman's name or where she is from.
Yeah, shame on those evil pro-lifers for not letting that woman to have her grandchild killed. I can understand her frustration. Imagine - after all the time and effort she had to put in to force her daughter into an abortion clinic, when it already looked like she had achieved her goal, her daughter dared to throw a tantrum, caused them to lose their appointment and now, those people laud her daughter's decision to keep that little b*****d in her womb?! How dare they!!!

But I can assure Ms. Cooke (and everyone else concerned) that the "Vast Anti-Choice Conspiracy Worldwide" is not going to send an assault squad to track down that woman and shove her back. Believe it or not, we're not nearly as scary and vengeful as our opponents portray us. Life has triumphed - that's good enough for us.

Small miracles do happen. 3 lives saved in Fredericton - two no shows (one likely was the 42 year old lady "N" we've been praying for,) and that girl that found the strength to resist in the very last moment. (Too bad it was too late for that poor grandfather and his unborn grandchild.) 9 lives saved in Toronto. At least 368 babies saved during the recent 40 Days for Life campaign. The total number of lives saved since the inception of "40 Days", has surpassed 2500. Thousands of families have been spared from a terrible tragedy. Many of them are going to share their experience with others, encouraging them too to choose life. So, abortion mill workers can look forward for even more tough days ahead.


Suzanne said...

Does it ever occur to these pro-aborts that the patients might not appreciate the staff gossiping on blogs behind their backs (even if it is anonymous).

If I had a nurse gossip about me while I was giving birth, I'd feel a little insulted, like my privacy was invaded. Oh sure, nobody would know it was me, but I might know it was me (or strongly suspect-- that might even be worse-- not knowing).

It's not like Peggy Cooke and the Fredericton Morgentaler clinic are completely anonymous.

And Why said...

it's one thing for pro lifers to protest and try to guilt people into doing things that perhaps they just do not want to do.. But if they truly want to support a pro-life platform then why would they also support the utter decimation of the social support net that these women will require as mothers?

Pro-life just so long as they do not have to provide for that life once it is in the world seems to be a tad on the cynical side.

Leonard said...

Apparently you haven't heard of the
Crisis Pregnancy Centers (some are also known as Pregnancy Resource Centers.) Check out the services they offer to the young mothers and their babies - and I hope you realize that there are ways to help beside empowering the nanny state; and that opposing the the mammoth McDaycare monopoly with the left proposes for children, doesn't mean being against social support for young mothers.