Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Earth Day" or Lenin Day?

Here's what Google logo should have looked like today. Neither however is worth celebrating. Why would we want to celebrate oppressive ideologies?
A campaign to declare the mass destruction of ecosystems an international crime against peace – alongside genocide and crimes against humanity – is being launched in the UK. The proposal for the United Nations to accept “ecocide” as a fifth “crime against peace”, which could be tried at the International Criminal Court (ICC), is the brainchild of British lawyer-turned-campaigner Polly Higgins. The radical idea would have a profound effect on industries blamed for widespread damage to the environment like fossil fuels, mining, agriculture, chemicals and forestry.
The new constitution of Ecuador has already proclaimed the rights of nature to be equal to those of humans. That's the same constitution that has abrogated the human right to life by empowering abortion. That shows what their priorities are, doesn't it? It may not yet have come to Lenin's famous "turds! shot them!", but it's getting there.
Supporters of a new ecocide law also believe it could be used to prosecute “climate deniers” who distort science and facts to discourage voters and politicians from taking action to tackle global warming and climate change.
Of course. Once the very right to life has been abrogated, who cares about freedom of speech? And how else could the eco-fascist silence their opponents, considering that global warm-mongering has nothing to do with peer-reviewed science?
From Donna Laframboise's blog "No Frakking Consensus" and the website "" comes the results of a citizen's audit of the Nobel Prize winning 2007 IPCC Report on Global Warming. After the highly publicized discovery of numerous errors and unsubstantiated alarmist claims in this report, Donna Laframboise decided to go through it line by line to see just how much of it actually is based on peer-reviewed scientific papers.

For years, the AGW alarmists have been taunting the skeptics by saying that anti-AGW viewpoints do not depend on peer-reviewed science. Turns out, neither do pro-AGW viewpoints. Oh dear.
Facts contradict the Gaia-worshiping cult? Too bad for the facts. When the eco-crooks can't find scientific proof to their theory, they have one more trick beside threatening and silencing their opponents: They make movies which make it look as if their theory was right. Here's the list of seven stupidest environmentalist propaganda movies that you better don't take seriously. Remember - those movies are as factual as the Soviet movies about Lenin.

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