Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pro-Life, Pro-Faith Comic Book

Yes, it's fun to be pro-life. If you've missed our pro-life T-shirt week - how about a pro-life, pro-faith comic book?
UNITED STATES, April 29, 2010 ( – Professional illustrators come in all shapes and sizes, but very few of them have a pro-life or Christian perspective. But that is something that Dan Lawlis, a professional illustrator for over 20 years who has created comic book art for companies like Marvel and DC Comics, wants to change.

Lawlis is endeavoring to use the internet to bring a new comic book vision to the world, and has made his first go at the effort with the comic called “Orange Peel” – a story set in a technologically advanced future, where evil aliens plot to take-over the neighboring planet Godderth for conquest. However, they first plan to make conquest easy by getting the inhabitants of Godderth to abandon their morality, destroy the family unit, and become so morally impoverished that they will welcome their would-be conquerors with open arms.

The premise of the book is that somewhere in the future, human beings learned how to transport themselves to distant planets, but the transportation led to transformations in their appearance, making them alien-like.

The comic’s artwork is visually stunning and appealing, and little wonder: Lawlis has worked on characters like Spiderman, the Hulk, X-Men and more.
Go Orangepeel Go! Let Paul Roman and the culture of life become more popular than Harry Potter and whatever demonic things he deals with. And, judging from the bible images on the website, we can look forward for a few bible comics too :) Hopefully we see them on paper soon.

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