Friday, May 21, 2010

The Ugly Face Of The Pro-Abort Movement

Or - "when the pro-aborts can't argue, part 999999". Here's a video of yet another angry pro-abort guy yelling at the pro-life protesters, kicking signs, trying to rip the sign from the hands of a protester and trying to draw a swastika on the other.
Someone must have been troubled by his guilty conscience. Or - by the mere thought that maybe abortion is not really the easy, clean and harmless procedure he thought it to be. Note this guy screaming "why do you hate women?" What does he think is more hateful - telling women the truth about what abortion really does to them and to their babies, (even if it is the unpleasant "in your face" type of truth,) or spreading the myth about abortion being an easy way out of an "unplanned" pregnancy?
Pro-aborters don’t discuss the issue calmly and rationally.

They do what this thug does: threaten, intimidate, and try and destroy property. They simply have no self-control and hate anyone who has a different opinion than they do.

They lash out like this, of course, because the truth of what they believe is hard to take, or – as is probable with this man in the video – they have been directly involved in an abortion somehow.

That’s the face of pro-abort Canada today: angry and violent. Have they no shame?
And here's another peaceful message from the "pro-choice" movement:
The incident occurred just three days after Rev. Anthony van Hee was threatened with broken bones and death for protesting abortion on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. On the morning of May 11, Fr. van Hee was approached by a man identified as Malcolm Miller, 53, who threatened to kill the priest if he was still there at noon. Miller was subsequently arrested.
Yep, that's the kind of choice they offer. Paraphrasing an old Soviet joke - feel free to agree with us or be shot if you don't.

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