Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And Yet They Call That "Choice"

A "choice" from which women apparently have no right to backtrack:
No means no, except maybe when you’re talking to abortionist Abraham Hodari.

The abortionist in Michigan is being sued for allegedly forcing an abortion after the woman changed her mind and asked him to stop. The abortionist even reportedly instructed assistants to hold the woman down while he completed the abortion.

A news report offers details:
That's also the very same "doctor" who believes that "doctors have a license to lie" and that lying to patients is actually in patients' best interest. Apparently, holding the woman down and covering her mouth is just his plan B, in case the woman doesn't buy into his lies. After all - he knows better what kind of "choice" she'd rather make, doesn't he?... I wonder if that's the reason why the pro-aborts are so opposed to bill C-510, that would criminalize coerced abortions.

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