Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Student Life Link - A Pro Life Canada Starts Here

Meet those who are right on the front lines of the battle for fetal rights, bringing pro-life message to their fellow students:
Student Life Link does just what its name suggests: connecting high school students who are working to make a difference for life in our country.

Our mission is to support and encourage the Pro-Life Movement among high schools students. The formation and development of high school pro-life clubs is key to effective education on campus, saving lives from abortion, and forming new leaders to build a Culture of Life.
Why is it critical to have the pro-life club on high school campuses? Why are student clubs important and effective?
If these students have learned from their high-school years not to fear the aggressive crowd, to stand up for what they believe in, in spite of ridicule, ostracism and sometimes even intimidation, to defend their views in the most hostile environment one could think of - then what could stop them in just a few years time, when they become adults?...

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