Monday, January 2, 2012

Foreign Special Interests Against Canada's Northern Gateway Pipeline launches ad campaign that reveals foreign interests sabotaging Canada’s economy:
Public hearings into a proposal for an energy pipeline from the oil sands to Canada’s west coast are being manipulated by foreign special interests.

Foreign billionaires are hiring front groups to swamp the hearings to block the Northern Gateway pipeline project. Anti-oil sands groups claiming to speak for Canadians are actually backed by millions of dollars from foreign interests.

The pipeline promises thousands of jobs and billions of dollars for all Canadians. Whether we decide to go ahead with it or not, we get to make this important decision about our future — not outsiders.

Click on the anti-oil sands groups to the right; see all the money they’re being paid to fight against our national interest. They don’t answer to Canadians. They answer to their foreign paymasters.

It’s our pipeline. Our country. Our jobs. Our decision.
No, these are certainly not grassroots environmentalists. They are foreign, professional and well funded. Check out Ezra Levant's video report on the upcoming public hearing and who exactly are those willing to testify against the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

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