Friday, February 23, 2007

Let them lead by example

Celebrities like to play the "nation's conscience". They enjoy telling others what to do. Too bad they never lead by example. They condemn SUV drivers, flying around the globe in private jets. They call a $1000 tax hike "3 cups of coffee a day", claiming we could live without them and yet they spend thousands like quarters buying luxuries. They claim to care for the poor but their mansions have huge "no soliciting" signs for those who make a living going door to door. Now they're working on organizing seven "Live Earth" concerts around the world to teach us how to care for the environment. They believe it's not just their right but their duty to show us the way.

If so then they should be the first to shape up. Let them live like common people. Without palaces, private jets and luxury cars. Let them drive bicycles to work - just as they want us to do. Let them move to smaller houses, ones that don't require that much fuel for heating. Let them donate all the royalties they receive, leaving nothing but an average worker's wage for themselves. Let all those environment-crazy celebrities sign up on a declaration, which Lorrie Goldstein, a Toronto Sun columnist has prepared for them. Unless they accept the challenge, all their "Live Earth" concerts will have nothing to do with clean air. There will be just plenty of hot air instead.

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