Monday, May 28, 2007

Former Soviet Citizen Rediscovers The Right To Life

Soviet Union was not only the first country to make atheism its official religion, it was also the first country to adopt the "life starts at birth" concept. Abortion used to be the most common (sometimes - the only) form of contraception, thus multiple abortions became the way of life for many. Even now, fetal rights are unheard of in most part of Russia and the former Soviet republics.
Like most Soviet-era fetuses conceived in Russia by couples who were already parents, I was scheduled for abortion as a matter of course. In a society where abortion was the only form of birth control, where men didn't trouble themselves to "pull out," and some women had double-digit abortion counts, often the appointment would be scheduled before a couple even stopped to remember that they wanted a second child.
Now, after the Soviet regime is gone, things are changing. But with the number of abortions per capita outnumbering Canada nearly 10 to 1, it will take years for people to rediscover fetal rights. And it will take decades to recover from a severe demographic crysis, paying the harsh price for killing millions of babies in the womb.

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