Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How is that going to make the air cleaner?

Air Canada couldn't wait until the opposition parties overwhelm the Conservative minority and force carbon taxes on Canada. The airline decided to act alone, suggesting passengers to pitch in for their share of a plane's carbon emissions. Those who believe in man-made global warming can now "clear their conscience" (as per Globe and Mail), as well as their wallets by purchasing "carbon offsets" when they buy their tickets. The green indulgence ranges from $1.60 for short-haul routes such as Montreal-Boston to as much as $40 for the longest flights such as Toronto-Hong Kong.

The Globe and Mail article mentions "guilt over global warming" and suggests that passengers will be "obtaining a guilt-free trip" by agreeing to pay yet another surcharge on top of the sales taxes, airport improvement fees, NavCan charges, fuel surcharges, air security taxes and many other fees that drive the price of a $99 ticket to $170-$180. Proceeds from the new surcharge will be donated to an organization named "zero footprint", a self-appointed carbon-trading organization that offers "carbon offsets" right on their website. A token donation of $12.80 added to the cost of a Vancouver-Montreal return flight may be enough for some passengers so they no longer feel guilty for not going to Montreal on a bicycle. But will this "green" surcharge actually make the air cleaner?
Troy Tohm, 31, a guest service agent at a Calgary hotel, was flabbergasted when told about Air Canada's initiative.

“You've got to be kidding. That's one of the stupidest things that I've ever heard,” Mr. Tohm said. “It's ridiculous because we already pay environmental taxes. Enough is enough. If I really want to donate, I will donate on my own.”
It's worse than ridiculous. It's a fraud. By acting as a "carbon offset" salesman for the "zero footprint", Air Canada de-facto recognizes the organization as a legitimate carbon-trading body which has the monopoly on hot air sales. Let alone they contribute to the "global warming" scare.
The Greens are really going to go after you because you put out 49 per cent of the countries emissions. Does anybody ask 49 per cent of what? Does anybody know how small that number is?
Let's do the math ourselves. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is only 0.0383% of the atmosphere. Only 3.2% of that is man-made which brings us to 0.001225%. Canada's contribution is 2% of the above or 0.0000245% (0.245 parts per million) which, let's not forget, is the product of carbon emissions from over a century. The environmental fanatics want Canada to reach its "Kyoto target" which will require reducing carbon emissions by one third or so in less than 5 years. Even if we forget about the economic impact of such measures, how many years will it take for the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to go down from 383ppm to 382.99?

But the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Kyoto allow bypassing actual emission cuts by purchasing "carbon offsets" from other countries. That will result in recession, skyrocketing utility prices, rolling blackouts and considerably lower standard of living for Canadians. But will it make the air any cleaner? Neither will the "green" surcharge on airline tickets.

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