Sunday, October 7, 2007

Two Steps To Advance Fair Voting In Ontario

First - support Mixed-Member Proportional system in the referendum. Even if you believe there's room for improvement - this is the best option for Ontario as of now. Once the MMP is adopted, it would be possible to bring in open lists or provide for other improvements. But if MMP is voted down - this will shut the electoral reform debate for good. Unless you want the first proportional voting in Ontario to be postponed way into 2020s - support MMP.

Second - vote your conscience. There's no need for strategic voting this time. The Liberals got enough left-wing votes to win and the PCs with their attempts to look "centrist" (if not further to the left than liberals) hardly deserve the right-wing vote. Instead of supporting the "would be acceptable" front runner - vote for a candidate who actually represents your views. Let the vote splitting work in your favor for a change. If Ontario elects a minority government on Wednesday, the province may have its first voting under the new Mixed-Member Proportional system as early as in October of 2009.

P.S. As the election campaign is coming to an end, I'd like once again to wish all the best to my friends at the Family Coalition Party. You've done a great job and I hope that at least one of you gets to represent Ontario pro-lifers in the Parliament.

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