Thursday, January 31, 2008

Informed Choice Saves A Baby's Life

Here's an update on a previously reported story about a pregnant teenage girl whose father insisted on abortion. Fortunately, the abortion didn't take place. The girl's father changed his mind after a devoted pro-life friend convinced him to spare his grandchild's life and not to subject his daughter to the health risks associated with abortion.
I talked to Natalie, her boyfriend, her mother and her aunt and am confident that they were honest with me. Her mother talked to her husband last night for a long time and he listened when she told him how the abortion could hurt her. He said he will not force her against everyone else's opinions. Thank God that the baby is 17 weeks old. The size of the baby was their main reason for not having an abortion. Natalie said she saw one of the baby's hand and one foot on the ultra sound. She did not know she was pregnant until Friday and had the ultra sound the same day. The baby is due early to mid June.
Within a few hours of the decision to miss the abortion appointment they were making plans for Natalie's semester at school, doctor's visits, telling her to get lots of sleep and making sure she eats well. Her aunt said she is welcome to live with her and go to high school with her cousins. She can finish her school year, will have the summer to devote to her baby and be ready for Gr. 11 in the fall. It is amazing what family can do when they accept a new member of the family.

Please keep them in your prayers.As time goes on it will not be all smooth. It is a great deal for a young girl to cope with in a very short time. Natalie is still worried about her friends and neighbours finding out and "getting fat". Her only sister is still very angry and says Natalie does not have the right to embarrass the family. She has not spoken to Natalie since Friday. It's a lot for a young girl to face.
Let's hope and pray that Natalie's sister too finds it in her heart to accept her little nephew or niece, rather than considering him or her as an embarrassment to the family.

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