Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lefties Want Us To Be Poor

The blogger from the Conservative riding association for Moncton - Riverview - Dieppe published an excellent article on the carbon tax. Apart from calculating the possible effect of the proposed tax (gasoline at $1.64/litre, electricity prices at more than double the rate currently charged, ballooning grocery prices etc), he gave the readers something to think about:
  1. If we shut down every industry, motor vehicle, power plant and all heat generation in Canada, what is the maximum effect we could have on global emissions? (Canada’s portion of global emissions - 2%)
  2. If we achieved all of our Kyoto targets, how much would we reduce global emissions? (Canada’s Kyoto target reductions - 0.64% or 2/3 of one percent of global emissions)
  3. Scientists believe GHG’s produce global warming. What exactly are these “greenhouse gases” in our atmosphere? (Water vapor (95%), CO2 (3.6%), other gases (1.4%). Total human-caused GHG’s in the atmosphere: .28% (1/4 of 1%) – Now that’s turning up the heat!)
  4. Are there still serious questions about how global warming is being addressed? (Yes)
Then how come so many left-wing politicians hold on to this "global warming" myth? If they really cared about the environment - wouldn't it be much easier (and much more efficient) to fight air and water pollution here in Canada? If anything, halting production of the birth control pills would do more to protect the environment than buying a truckload of dubious "carbon credits" on the international market. So why would they push forward a going-nowhere yet extremely expensive scheme like Kyoto?

It pretty much looks like the sole purpose of this global warming hysteria is to make people work more, but end up with less money for themselves - quite similar to the people in Orwellian Oceania. Except that instead of a permanent war with Eurasia or Estasia, designed to keep the people in perpetual poverty, there's a permanent struggle against "global warming" which in fact doesn't happen. No, I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories but there's no other way to explain what exactly the lefties are trying to achieve by taxing us into the third world.

Somehow that's the only explanation that actually makes sense - the lefties want us to be poor. Think about it: If both parents must work overtime to make the ends meet and they have little or no time to spend with their children - there's more demand for the lefties' precious state-run daycares. If fewer families can get a decent house - there's more demand for "affordable housing". If people work all their lives yet end up with no savings and no pension - it's easier to make them vote for a party that promises higher social assistance benefits...

In the Soviet Union, government used to brag about its humanitarian aid policies, telling the people how proud they must be of their country "feeding half of the world". Meanwhile the people had to spend hours in lineups, struggling to buy whatever little food the grocery stores were offering. Nowadays, the lefties want us to be proud of Canada fighting global warming (by reducing 0.64% of the global greenhouse gas emissions), so that we won't be that upset paying double to get to work, to heat our house or to buy basic necessities for our families.

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