Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pro-Aborts Are Furious: March For Life Came To Halifax

From Cathy Jensen's e-mail:
Hi All,

I just wanted to let you all know that the Rally for Life in Halifax was quite interesting.... It was definitely different from Fredericton! The protesters were out in full force... complete with the noise makers, bullhorns etc., it was actually kind of powerful to "see" the enemy... they really blocked our way, unplugged the speakers a few times and somehow got into the legislature building to turn off the power source after we had Fr. Cherry "guard" the speakers... The had many people holding up sheets so that we could not be seen... The anger and hatred I felt was unbelievable... Lots of prayers went up for them continuously...
So typical of the pro-aborts. They know they'll never win an honest debate, so they just bully anyone who doesn't accept their dogmas, trying to silence any dissent... Well, they had a little surprise waiting for them:
I met so many wonderful pro-life people... Anita from Silent No More actually got the protesters to stop for a few minutes when she explained who she was... My speech was cut short a bit as it started to rain and there was one more speaker after me... I really felt blessed for having the opportunity to speak and I know the Holy Spirit was guiding us all. I want to thank you all for the prayers, I really felt lifted up and I praise the Lord for the gift of life He has given us!


Louise McKeen of the CHP posted plenty of pictures from the rally in his AOL photo album. Despite all the obstruction from the pro-aborts it was a great start for Halifax. Great job everyone!

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