Sunday, July 6, 2008

Abortion And Child Snatching

The same women that had their abortions in their twenties, for reasons of convenience or because they could not afford financially to have babies then find themseves infertile in their forties but that does not stop them from having children. Their desire to have children is the driving force behind massive baby snatching and selling happening in Ontario today.

Today’s young women opt for abortion out of fear of having their newborn stolen by the Children’s Aid Societies and sold to some middle aged childless couples that in their youth were so eager to embrace your freedom of choice idea.

We already have the harbingers of the future that you have made for us.

Ms. Chartier to no avail tried to escape with four her children from clutches of Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa to Sweden only to be returned in shackles back to Canada.
This open letter to Morguentaler was written about 3 years ago, when Canada's chief abortionist got his phony doctorate papers at the University of Western Ontario. Ironically, a man who defied the law, denying the right to life to countless unborn babies, was given a law degree.

Since then, pro-aborts managed to twist the rules, sneaking their hero into the order of Canada. With no unanimous decision, no prior announcement, this purely partisan backdoor deal had the sole purpose of creating an illusion that abortion is somehow a Canadian value.

And while our shameless unelected governing elite is encouraging more abortions (causing many more women to become permanently infertile), we've seen parental rights being further abrogated by the governments, courts and lawmakers. Apparently - to provide legal grounds for even more child snatchings.

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